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1:31am 06-15-2013
hi have you checked out www.virtualtourist.com? we are a very friendly travel community who like to share each others travels and talk and have the chance to meet up with large or small VT meetings if wanted....we tend to love photos and travel and meeting people whether virtually or in reality....you sound like our sort of member if you have the time to add us to your list! ( a bit like TA but we think we are more user friendly and just friendlier people with friendlier system in general)
9:26pm 06-12-2013
It's crazy! You are so young and you've already travelled through most of the world! But seriously- could you, please, tell me, how do you do that? I mean the problem is that people need money for travelling, but when you travel, you don't really have time to earn money... How do you jump over it?
I'm asking cause travelling is my biggest dream, I simply love it and it fully fascinates me. But I'm terrified by others opinions that it's impossible to live like that, that you need to live NORMAL life (the normality that I hate- routine, boredom, materialism etc.)
Pleeease, tell me- lost and unsure- something more about it, experienced person!
I wish you all the best!
3:43am 06-12-2013
Mary G
Greatly enjoyed reading about your travels and picked up some helpful tips on Vienna where we will be heading next year. :-)
5:34pm 06-10-2013
Very nice web...you must have lot of unforgetable memoris along your travel....wish to be like you..someday my friend...
9:45pm 06-03-2013
ciao roxy
sarebbe stupendo ripartire tutti assieme once again
un bacione
8:26pm 06-02-2013
... come sempre leggo tuttod'unfiatoi tuoi... vostri diari di viaggio.. che nostalgia .. prima o poi un viaggio insieme lo dovremo pur ri-fare... un abbraccio
8:20pm 06-02-2013
Herry Sriwijaya
yeah, I just visited your website. Surprisingly, wow truly extraordinary in my opinion.
simple but really interesting, especially from the style of your language in telling your journey and photographs contained slick.

hope you visit back to Indonesia so I can meet you. for not only a beautiful place in Bali Indonesia, but Indonesia has a lot of "tropical paradise"
12:08am 05-30-2013
Giuliana e Antonio
Ciao viaggiatori! complimenti per la vostra passione e per questo interessante sito!
Buona strada!
10:13am 05-29-2013
Siti Humairah Tauhid
Hi Mark ! Hi Stefy !
I've just visited your website and it was incredible !
it's inspire me so much...
I loved what you write and your experience in backpacking
11:03am 05-28-2013
hello mark and stefy

im aska, indonesian, i really2 admire you two that doing loooots of trip in all over the world, i mean thats really inspiring and im a little bit jealous of that hehe.

i wish i could be like you someday and your informations is really2 useful.

thanks to you.

ps: you missed indonesia? you missed southeast asia. my house will always be yours.
7:42pm 05-26-2013
I know I love to travel but I just cannot right now... I need to finish school and stuff... But I am planning to go try my wandering feet after I take the bar.

I would like to thank you because your profile pictures of the places you have been and people that you have met; it is inspiring.

11:32pm 04-11-2013
quando la sera mi sento intrappolato in queste 4 mura vengo qui...e viaggio con le vostre foto...

non smettete mai

el roscio
9:59pm 03-26-2013
Carlos Valverde
É bellissimo!!!!!

Ma questo lo dovrebbe leggere tutto il pianeta, cosí ci arrivano piú turisti!!!!!!

Il modo come avete descritto tutto é meraviglioso, sembra di “essere lí” mentre si legge, veramente un lavoro fatto benissimo!!!

Un bacio grande a voiu due!!

8:33pm 03-18-2013
Hola Mark & Stefy!

As Tripadvisor members, we are the ones who should be thanking you! I, for one, do thank you for sharing your incredible website & your fascinating journey through Central America as well as your other inspiring global missions! I was totally mesmerized & captivated with every word & every picture! It was like being there with you but with a different perspective. Much of what you wrote & photographed is very familiar to me as my husband & I are humble Canadian expats now living on the spectacular Pacific shores of beautiful El Salvador, & fulfilling our dreams to live, work & play in a totally different culture! Our experiences & adventures mirror some of yours & we agree that travel & exposure to the rest of the world is the most amazing gift a human can ever be blessed with--but it begins with that inner fire to explore & be challenged in virgin & unfamiliar places! Travel changes who you are, how you live & what you live for!

Kudos to you both for being adventuresome wanderers & seekers with amazing visions! Blessings as you continue on your paths of personal fulfillment! ....... Cathy
10:29pm 03-14-2013
Caro Luigi, non c'e' bisogno di specificare ogni volta chi sei!
io mi ricordo benissimo di un matto come te e l'invito in Romagna e' sempre valido per te e la tua famiglia. A presto
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